Physical limitation is more than physical. It is a habitual pattern.


“Make the Impossible Possible, the Possible Easy, the Easy Elegant” is one of my favorite quotes of Moshe Feldenkrais (the creator of Feldenkrais Method).  


The moment you experience what you believed “impossible” became possible opens a door to your transformation.


Most students/clients come to me first with beliefs about their physical limitation. Do you believe that you can’t do certain physical movements and activities because of your physical limitation such as stiffness or weakness due to aging, vulnerabilities due to current or old injuries?


So much of what we believe physical limitation is created by our habitual patterns of moving, feeling, and thinking. We often think that our physical abilities naturally decline with aging, thus, we just have to keep fighting against aging process with physical training. It is true that physical activity is a key to our health and we need to stay active in order to stay healthy. However, there’s more to improving physical abilities. What’s rarely talked about is to learn a different way of moving. Learning different movement patterns other than your habitual patterns is a very secret to “make the impossible possible,” and to turn your limitation into a new possibility and greater freedom.


In my Feldenkrais movement class, people often experience that the first movement they do in the beginning of a class is very difficult or even impossible, but later in the class they find the very same movement somehow becomes possible and easy. This doesn’t happen because you magically become stronger and more flexible in 45-60 minutes. This happens because you learn different movement patterns, which allows you to “make the impossible possible.”

What’s really powerful about this is that in this moment you feel more empowered than ever and feel as if so many new possibilities are starting to open up within yourself. This is the transformational moment! This is the power of movement!

Join my Tuesday Mindful Movement Class (ONLINE) and "make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant!."

Happy Mindful Movement!


Movement is essential to our life. Improving movement quality is directly related to quality of our life. Teaching people to move well is my passion. Sign up for Trans4Move Newsletters that will teach you how to improve your movements, functions, and your life!

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My name is Taro Iwamoto. I am a Feldenkrais practitioner and movement expert. I help people develop new and more efficient movement patterns and expand movement options in order to overcome injuries/pain and move beyond limits. Feel free to post in the comments section below and feel free to share this with your friends!