Muscular Strength and Balance

Did you know adults lose 10% in strength and endurance for every decade after the age of 30?  Combined with a similar loss in muscle power (30% per decade), this leads to a decrease in physical function among seniors that puts them at greater risk.

Muscular strength particularly leg and trunk strength) plays an important role in your balance.  Thus, any events that decrease muscular strength (aging, injuries, and/or diseases) will have a negative impact on your balance.

For example, decreased leg and core muscle strength will make it difficult for you to get out of chair .  You will feel more effort and less steady/stable.  Do you find your self using the momentum and pushing through your arms on armrests to rise from a chair?  Does it take longer to cross a street?

If you don’t notice those things, don’t wait.   Start working on your balance now!  I can help you!

Sign up for my upcoming Balance Re-training Program:

If you bring a friend, you will receive a $100 discount!

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My name is Taro Iwamoto. I am a Feldenkrais practitioner and movement expert. I help people develop new and more efficient movement patterns and expand movement options in order to overcome injuries/pain and move beyond limits. Feel free to post in the comments section below and feel free to share this with your friends!