Here is how you can be more yourself and authentic

How do you know you are truly being yourself and authentic?

You wouldn't think it’s so hard to be yourself, but I often find myself changing what I say, how I talk, what I wear, how I sit, stand, walk, etc, to “fit” in the norm and expectations of the society and culture.

Watching my 4 year old son and his friends at his daycare reminds me of what it’s is like to be authentic. Kids are free in many ways. Free in their thinking, free in their feelings, free in their imagination, free in their movement. Their mind and body are fully united.

How can you free yourself from all the norms and expectations you consciously or unconsciously try to meet and satisfy everyday?

As some of you may know, I am a Feldenkrais practitioner and practice and teach mindful movement to help you and others. This practice has a lot to do with what I’m writing here. When you practice movement on your own, or taking a movement class, do you ask someone if you are moving correctly? This is an example of how many of us are detached from our own body and experience and unconsciously trying to meet the norm and expectations. Kids would never ask if they are moving correctly.

You can start paying attention to your body and notice how you’re feeling. The moment you start asking yourself if you are moving correctly, you shift your attention to your body and sensation, and let your body experience guide your movements so you’re experiencing yourself from the inside out and expressing yourself freely through your body and movement. In this moment, your movement, thinking, feeling, and imagination become free, and you are being yourself and authentic! This is the state where your mind and body are fully united.

My job is really not about teaching you how to move better. My job as a Feldenkrais practitioner is to guide you through this process.

Please join my Tuesday Mindful Movement Class (ONLINE) to gain more freedom in your movement, thinking, feeling, and imagination! Email me if you want to join my class.


Movement is essential to our life. Improving movement quality is directly related to quality of our life. Teaching people to move well is my passion. Sign up for Trans4Move Newsletters that will teach you how to improve your movements, functions, and your life!

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My name is Taro Iwamoto. I am a Feldenkrais practitioner and movement expert. I help people develop new and more efficient movement patterns and expand movement options in order to overcome injuries/pain and move beyond limits. Feel free to post in the comments section below and feel free to share this with your friends!