Hunchback posture correction while you are SLEEPING?!

What if I told you you can improve your hunchback posture while sleeping?

This may sound crazy and too good to be true, but if you understand how your posture is developed, it’s not surprising that you can improve your posture while sleeping.

A common misunderstanding about posture is that many people believe posture is a fixed state of our body, and their approach to posture is to correct it by stretching and strengthening muscles. If your approach is based on the wrong belief, you will not get desirable outcomes.

So what is posture? Posture is a reflection of years of your habitual movement patterns. That’s right, it is MOVEMENT! You probably never thought about sleeping as movement patterns, but how you hold your bodies when sleeping can reinforce your habitual movement patterns or can retrain your movement patterns.

By the end of this video you will learn how sleeping position affects your posture and how to set up optimal sleeping position to improve your hunchback posture.